Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia,
0ct 20,2008,
We had been visited by a group from Ministery of Education in their programme called 'Jejak Menara'. 210 students and 40 teachers and staffs from all over Malaysia had been chosen to fulfill this programme. The delegation arrived from all over country yesterday and start this programme today. This two day programme had choose two university to be their visit point and our university be a first pit stop on their programme. After visiting our university they went to University Malaya as a last pit stop.
10 second years's students from Defence Resource Management (DRM) had volunteering themselve to be a ambassador of UPNM. It's start from short briefing and meeting with our TNC, Prof Mahzum and her HEPA staff, Mr. Hafizi, the delegation arrived at our campus at 1100H. This delegation was they were high school student and some of them were secondary school students. But, the secondary students were very energatic, friendly and i can see they joyness in their eyes when we'll brief them about our organization. A little bit frustrated with high school students, they more to be camn and quite. For me,it's a normal behaviour to teenagers, when they in stranger's environment and they didn't have friends around.
My groups, Group 3 were conducted under Mr Sulaiman Mansur from Ipoh,Perak. 25 students, 24 high school students and a secondary student. But, my group leader is Adik Shukri from SK Raja Abdullah, the standard 5 student, but his power as a leader had been shown so brightly. I think, in future time, if he consistant, he will be a good leader. They had been shown to UPNM environment including our naval stimulation labs and commission parade rehersal. One more student had atract me, Melissa, her outspoken and her questions make me enjoyed. One of her question, 'Abg,best tak jadi askar darat?' made me laughed and i'm proud of myself because she so interested to know who we are, how our lifestyle and how we manage our time.
Although, this programme take 2 hours to finish, it make me realize that children are the person who had explore's level in high level. They want know everythings and mostly they are lovely!!!
Children, is a communitte who have a lot of lust of exploration and if we help them, guide them to the right track, we can get a fantastic future leaders and for us, as the older one, it's our responsiblity. So, make the future smile. Peace!!
hugs and kisses!!